
Joshua B. Swigart has helped thousands of consumers in California with their legal issues, and he has never seen two cases that were identical. You should never assume that your situation, or facts, are the same as something that is described on this web site, or that you read elsewhere on the Internet. Each situation is unique, and in our opinion, each situation needs to be reviewed, independently, by a competent consumer rights attorney. While we are happy to do that for you for free, we cannot do that on this web site.  Even our evaluation forms are mere starting points.  You should never assume your case, your situation, or your set of facts, are covered in their entirety by this web site.  If you have questions about your potential case, we will be glad to discuss them with you at no charge.  However, do not act, or fail to act, simply because of something you read or see on this web site.

The materials appearing on this website are provided for informational use only, and are in no way intended to constitute legal advice or the opinions of this law firm or any of its attorneys.  Transmission or receipt of any information from this website does not create an attorney-client relationship, and you should not act or rely upon any information appearing on this website without seeking the advice of an attorney.  Moreover, because the law is constantly changing, the materials appearing on this website are not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up-to-date, and you should not rely exclusively on this material.  Do not make any decision, take any action, or refrain from taking any action based on solely on what you read here.

Note also that sending an e-mail to our office does not create an attorney-client relationship, and none will be formed unless there is an expressed agreement between the firm and the client.  We strongly advise against sending confidential or privileged information to us until you can establish such a relationship.  Never send your social security information by email.  Furthermore, we advise against sending privileged or confidential information through e-mail at all, since we can in no way ensure the security of your e-mail.

Some jurisdictions, including California, consider the materials appearing on this website to constitute advertising.  The decision to hire a lawyer should not be based on the written information appearing on this website about the qualifications and experience of this firm and its members.

Links that may appear on this site are intended solely for your convenience in identifying and accessing other sources of information, and are not to be construed as being endorsed by or affiliated with our office.  Furthermore, Swigart Law Group does not imply that it is legally authorized to use any trade name, registered trademark, symbol, logo, or seal that may be reflected in any of these links.

Swigart Law Group has sought to comply with all legal and ethical requirements in creating this website. Swigart Law Group in no way seeks to use this website in any way as to represent anyone in a state where this site may fail to comply with the laws and ethical requirements of that state.

The reader should not assume that communication with our office constitutes an attorney-client relationship or protects any confidential information until a written agreement is signed. Joshua B. Swigart is a licensed attorney in the State of California. Joshua B. Swigart is also a licensed attorney in Washington D.C.

Although federal laws apply to many consumer lawsuits where Swigart Law Group could represent parties nationwide, we do not wish to represent anyone from a state where the information contained in this web site fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules of that particular state.

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