Thousands of California patients may receive financial compensation after the medical provider exposed their confidential patient information, but sadly many of them are not aware of their rights.
Important: California law provides that victims of medical data breaches may recover up to $1,000 in nominal damages.
If you think that your information may have been exposed, please apply below. The claim review process is free and 100% confidential.
American Medical Technologies is located in Irvine, California, and provides senior health programs for long-term care and post-acute environments including Wound Care, Tele-Engagement Programs, Ostomy, Urological and Tracheostomy, and more.
Thousands of AMT patients may claim compensation after the company has exposed their confidential information, including Social Security number, medical record number, diagnosis information, health insurance policy or individual subscriber number, medical history information, HIPAA account information, driver’s license/state identification number, or taxpayer ID number.
Maybe What Happened To Me Wasn’t That Big Of A Deal or There is Nothing I Can do About it.
Some victims of this data breach will downplay what happened to them and will try to push it to the back of their mind. Not only is it a substantial violation of their rights, but our inaction is the very reason why medical institutions have gotten away with allowing this to happen to our most sensitive information. And this needs to stop!
The time to come forward with a claim is limited by statute. Take one step closer to holding institutions accountable and demanding justice for yourself and other people. Apply for a free and confidential claim evaluation today.
Not Sure Whether Your Information Was Compromised?
If you don’t know if you were on the list of affected people or not, please call ID Experts at 833-579-1109 to confirm.